Tamara Mufaro Mushaninga

Graphic Designer

Tamara Mufaro Mushaninga is a Graphic Designer, Illustrator and Fine Artist who was born and raised in Harare, Zimbabwe. She began as a fine artist, using painting and sculpting as a way to communicate and express her perspective of the world as a young African woman in 2013. In 2019, she moved from Zimbabwe to Spain in order to experience and gain knowledge of fine art; however, in the midst of the pandemic, Tamara was inspired to redirect her love for fine art, by exploring illustration. With regular commissions for her work, Tamara gained confidence and took on a Graphic Design course in order to broaden her career options and elevate her digital literacy. In 2023, Tamara graduated with honors with a Bachelors in Graphic Design and Media. As a result of her hard work and dedication to actively improving her skills, she is hands-on and communicative, always welcoming constructive criticism to use to her advantage to improve her designs and workflow.


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